Trade the code,
not the feeling

A smart investment for those
who see the benefits of combining computing power and the experienced eye.

We are a family-run asset management company investing in the stock markets using a fully automated “all-weather“ portfolio of trading algorithms. Our goal is to deliver a decent profit while maintaining adequate risk. Nothing more, nothing less.

„We trade by algorithm, not by emotion.“


The vast majority of trading signals on the stock markets are generated by automated trading systems, so-called algorithms. The reason for this is the undeniable advantage in reducing human error and the track record of strong statistical capabilities. We therefore invest our thirteen years of market experience into the development of a fully automated investment portfolio. We trade by algorith, not by emotion.

Fully transparent

Some funds try to "protect" their investors by not showing them everything that happens to their investment. We reject this approach because we consider transparency to be a cornerstone of trust. Therefore, we send reports to our investors directly from our broker (Interactive Brokers) on a monthly basis. These contain authentic data with detailed statistics and a list of all executed trades. We do this to prove that for us, transparency is not just an empty word.

Plně transparentní For us, transparency is not just an empty word.
Plně transparentní Stock markets do not provide any guarantees and we would be taking investors for fools if we were to give any.

Investment not for everybody

In accordance with the regulations of the Czech National Bank, only a qualified investor who knows the risks can invest with us. The relentless rules of the standard deviation say that with a targeted profit of 15 p.a. there may be a drawdown to the same extent. A qualified investor knows that and understands that the portfolio needs some time to recover whenever drawdown appears. Stock markets do not provide any guarantees and we would be taking investors for the fools if we were to give any. You can see our real investment history here.


About us

The company has a small team of programmers, back office staff and founders. Our journey begins with a friendship between two traders., They both shared a long-standing passion for trading and an unwavering determination to succeed in this challenging environment. They each set out on the journey individually, but in 2012 they began to share their know-how and motivate each other.

The quality of their strategies and excellent long-term results gave them the confidence to start managing more extensive external capital. However, the founders continue to trade their own capital within the company and do not intend to stop.

Ing. Petr Žůrek

Jonáš Mucha

We are not like large fund managers who risk only their investor's money from behind the security of their payroll. We are with them in every single trade.

Why invest with us?

Dynamic performance
Average targeted profit of 15% p.a.

Fully transparent
Regular detailed reporting

Sight deposit account
Possibility to exit at any time and without a penalty

Fees only in case of profit
If you don't make money, we don't either


Our strategy

We invest only in stocks, ETFs and futures on the world's largest stock exchanges CME, NYSE, NASDAQ and EUREX. We do not seek to develop "ingenious" algorithms that deliver profits in every market condition. Instead, we focus on risk management and diversification of the investment portfolio.

Some of our trading systems benefit from the sharp fall of the market, others from a stable growth. They all complement each other, just like gears in the heart of a quality watch. We see the real strength in a complex portfolio that ticks according to our expectation.


We see the real strength in a complex portfolio that ticks according to our expectation.

Robotick Investment

You are accessing the website of Robotick Investment Inc. which serves for information purposes only and is intended for qualified investors, not the general public. Trading on financial markets is highly risky and the information provided on the website should not be construed as a recommendation, offer or solicitation to deal with investment instruments.

Robotick Investment Inc. is a company registered with the Czech National Bank (CNB) as a subject referred to in Section 15, Paragraph 1 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds, as amended, i.e. a person performing asset management comparable to management under this Act. Robotick Investment Inc. is only registered with the CNB, i.e. registered in the list of “Persons listed in Section 15 (1) of the ZISIF, who have the obligation to be registered” and is subject to regular reporting activities. The CNB therefore oversees the activities of Robotick Investment Inc. nut does not exercise supervision.